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Showing 6-7 of 7 articles.

Why Train With a Certified Personal Trainer

Francois, personal trainer working with a client at the Apollo Beach, FL.Wondering whether to train with a certified personal trainer? Below are a few scenarios to consider:

New Year's Resolution: You've been trying to work out for the last couple of months but you really don't fully understand how to do it let alone have the motivation to get it done on your own. If this is you, you might consider taking advantage of Fast Twitch's FREE consult, fitness assessment and training session to see if they can help you. 

You've stopped making gains: If you've been training for a while and are no longer satisfied with the results, maybe you could benefit from a new perspective and over ten years of experience and reults. A Fast Twitch trainer can assess your training routine and make the necessary changes to put you back on track to faster results. 

Not sure about your form/technique: You can work out day-in and day-out but unless you perform each exercise correctly, you won't see the results you want and will likely increase your chances of injury. A Fast Twitch trainer can teach you good form and exercise habits that will last you a lifetime and prevent injury rather than cause it. 

You are making headway but you need to be pushed to the next level: Exercise plateaus are often difficult to overcome by yourself. Many people just can't find a way to surmount a plateau without the help of a professional trainer. You can save a lot of time and wasted energy if you hire a trainer when you hit a...

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Training the Abs Correctly

Brittney Spears and her Ab tranfomationDon't do ab work every day, just don't

Ab work. Training the core. Building a 6-pack. Whatever you want to call it, training the abdominal muscles has been corrupted over the years. I’ll be short with this one and just get to the point: you don’t need to do a lot of ab work for your abs to look good. In fact, too much ab work will make the abs bigger, and this will only give you a thicker waist. Don’t believe me? Look at Britney Spears at the beginning of her career (on the left) and then compare that to the more recent picture of her (on the right). She’s lean in both pictures, sure, but her waist looks a lot bigger today than it did at the start of her career. The reason: she started doing 1,000 crunches a day to try and sculpt a tighter midsection. It only made her abs bigger, which on her tiny frame made a noticeable difference in the size of her waist.

The abs are not a muscle that needs to get bigger. They just need to be strong enough to prevent injury on heavy free-weight movements.

The abs have two purposes: to stabilize the spine and prevent it from buckling under pressure, and to curl the hips up a few degrees. Proper abdominal training should focus on the former, which is stabilization, and can eventually include hip curling movements like leg raises on an inclined bench or in a hanging position, but mostly it should be stabilization. Good movements to train the abs for stabilization are any variation of the plank...

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